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Mental Health Awareness: Breathing technique to control our stress and anxiety (en español también)

Mental Health Awareness: Breathing technique to control our stress and anxiety (en español también)

Posted by Grace Romero

This week is Mental Health Awareness Week and one of our dads Laurie Castelli from our Dadspace group is helping us to learn a brilliant simple breathing technique to de-stress and reduce anxious feelings called 7/11

In just 5 minutes, by breathing deeply and extending your exhale to be longer than your inhale, you will be able to relax your nervous system and bring greater perspective to a challenging situation. (Español abajo)

Personally I have tried this technique and it has help me a lot during this lock-down as we may feel anxious and stressed due to the situation that we are going through, I encourage you to practice this technique which I found very easy to follow with only 5 minutes of your day.

Here is a video from the mental health organisation on how can we support and being kind to each other, from the PACT team we want you to be supported and don't feel alone during this time. Remember to look after yourself and speak out if you have any problems.

Also if you would like support about mental health awareness week please click the link below where you can find more information and sources of mental health problems that are affecting communities.

Técnica de respiración para ayudar controlar nuestro estrés y ansiedad

Esta semana es la semana de concientización de salud mental y uno de nuestros papas, Laurie Castelli, de nuestro grupo de DadSpace nos esta ensenado una técnica sencilla y efectiva para quitar estrés y reducir sentimientos de ansiedad que se llama 7/11

Posted by Ana Ramirez Mourraille on 2 Apr, 2021